
This website belongs to Charlotte Castelein.

Address registered office : Guldenbergplantsoen 6 bus 42, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium.

Telephone : +32 474 03 33 92

E-mail: info@thepicture.eu

Registered number : BTW BE 0809 534 878

By access and use of the website you explicit declare in agreement with following general conditions.

Intellectual rights of ownership

The contents of this site, including the tradenames, logos, drawings, product or company names and suchlike, are protected by intellectual rights and belong to Castelein Charlotte or third party entitled.

Restriction of liability

This information on the website is of general nature. This information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances, and can’t be considered as a personal, professional of juridical advice to the user.

Castelein Charlotte makes big efforts so that the information which is at disposal, is complete, correct, accurate and brought up to date. Despite our efforts, mistakes can occur in the information put at disposal. If the supplied information should contain mistakes or  if certain information on or per site should be unavailable, the company will deliver its efforts to adjust this as soon as possible.

Castelein Charlotte can’t be responsible for direct or inderect damage caused by the use of information on this site.

If you should determine mistakes in the information at disposal on site, you can contact the administrator of the site.

The contents of the site (including links) can be adapted, changed or completed without announcement or notice. Castelein Charlotte doesn’t grant garanties for the good functioning of the website and can in no way be responsible for the bad functioning or temporary unavailability of the website or for any form of damage, direct or indirect, which results from the access or the use of the website.

Castelein Charlotte can in no way against  who ever, direct or indirect, special of other form, be responsible for the damage caused by the use of this site or another, especially as a consequence of links or hyperlinks, including, without restriction, of all losses, work interruptions, damage of programs or other data on the computer system, of apparatus, software or others of the user.

The website can contain hyperlinks of pages of third party or by referring to it indirectly. Putting links to these websites or pages implies in no way a implicite approval of its contents.  Castelein Charlotte states expressly that she has no authority about the contents or other references of these and can’t be responsible for the contents or its references  or any other form of damage by its use.

Appropriate right and competent courts.

The Belgian right applies to this site. In case of a dispute, only the courts of the district Kortrijk are competent.

Privacy policy

Castelein Charlotte attaches importance to your privacy. Although most information on this site  is available without providing personal data, it is possible that the user will be asked to provide personal data. This information will only be used as a part of list of customers. The user can protect himself for free and at request, against the use of these data for direct marketing. Therefore he will have to appeal to Castelein Charlotte,Guldenbergplantsoen 6 bus 42, 8500 Kortrijk, info@thepicture.eu. Your personal data will never be transmitted to a third party.

According the law for processing personal data of  08/12/1992 the user disposes of a legal right on inspection and eventual correction of his personal data. On condition of the proof of identity (copy of ID card) one can per written, dated and undersigned request, ask for the personal data to Castelein Charlotte,Guldenbergplantsoen 6 bus 42, 8500 Kortrijk, info@thepicture.eu, and receive for free the written communication of your personal data. If necessary you can ask to correct the data which aren’t right, or incomplete or not definite.

Castelein Charlotte can collect anonym or authorised data of non-personal nature, such as  browser type or IP-address, the operating programm which one uses of the domain name of the website through which you reach our website, or through which you leave this one. This allows us to optimize our website permanently for the users.

The use of “cookies”.

During a visit to the site, 'cookies'  can install on your hard disc of you computer and this only to improve the needs of the returning visitor.  These mini files or cookies aren’t used to trace the surf behaviour of the visitor on other websites. Your internetbrowser allows you to prevent the use of cookies, you receive a warning when a cookie is installed or when you remove afterwards the cookies from your hard disc. Therefore consult the help-function of your internetbrowser.